Daily rates
- Hunter 1:1 €300 per day
- Hunter 1:2 €265 per person per day
- Observer rate €185 per person per day
- Accomodation and meals
- Non-alcoholic beverages
- Internet access
- Transport between hunting areas
- Hunting vehicles, trackers, skinners and general staff
- Service of a professional hunter
- Basic preparation of trophies
- Namibian trophy permits
- Transport of trophies to local taxidermist
- Weapon Hire (EUR 40 – per day / US 50 – per day)
- Usage of ammunition (EUR 4 – per bullet / US 5 – per bullet)
- Trophy insurance and shipment
- Airport tax and fares
- Insurance
- Personal medical aid
- Telephone costs
- Hard liquor
- Hotel and airfares before and after safari
- Trophie prices
- Wounded game not recovered to be paid in full
- Gratuaties
- All alcoholic beverages
- Transport to and from airport – EUR 300.- per vehicle